Marketing with LinkedIn
Non-Linear Creations
LinkedIn is a social networking site with a professional niche market. Connect with past and present colleagues. Meet new people or network with a variety of professionals that match your interests. Millions of people use LinkedIn as a social network, but discover how to use LinkedIn for social media marketing.

Marketing Professor
Marketing Professor provides six steps to small business social media marketing with LinkedIn. Learn social media marketing techniques that will help you manage and nurture leads. The easy steps listed on this page are extremely useful to new LinkedIn members as well as those who have been members for years.

Startup Nation
Startup Nation provides an impressive number of resources and ideas for business startups. Learn to generate more business and obtain greater visibility for your small business startup. Learn the importance of market research and how to facilitate introductions with ease on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn.

How to Change the World
Guy Kawasaki shares an impressive 10 ways to use LinkedIn as a marketing tool. Discover why all Fortune 500 companies are represented on LinkedIn. In one easy to read blog post, discover how to increase visibility, improve connectability and improve page rank. Learn the intricacies of social media marketing with LinkedIn.

The social media marketing company RMM helps businesses implement social media marketing techniques into their marketing strategy. Matt Rebeiro with RMM writes about leveraging the power of LinkedIn as a marketing tool. Click to read his article about social media marketing with LinkedIn and why it's important to keep your profile updated.

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